Maths for early years

Counting to 20-Pumpkin Pie
This product contains counting to 20 clip cards with Pumpkin Pie Theme. There are 10 pages (Color and B/W Version) included.
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single classroom only
You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Hope you enjoy this! Thank you!
You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following:
Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com
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Seuss Theme Counting Puzzles (1-100)
Great for Seuss Theme!
This set of Read Across America Week number puzzles are a fun and engaging way for your students to practice their counting and number sequencing skills.This pack is differentiated making them adaptable to all learners. These activities focus on numbers 1-100 and skip counting.
Number Order and Skip Counting Puzzles for an easy addition to your Math Workstation Centers, independent work activity or partner pair activity. Students also work great as morning or bell work activities or as an activity for fast finishers. These activities are perfect for your Pre K, Kindergarten or homeschool classroom.
Several levels are included for easy differentiation:
Count by ones to 100
Count by 2’s
Count by 3’s
Count by 4’s
Count by 5’s
Count by 6’s
Count by 7’s
Count by 8’s
Count by 9’s
Count by10’s all in one packet…**
Simple Directions:
You will need to print off the number of copies on cardstock or project board, laminate and cut out. These work well for centers, individual work, or whole group.
Tips for customers:
Please go to your My Purchases page . Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product.
**I would love to hear your comments so please take a few minutes to leave a feedback even if it’s just two words.
Thank you!
Terms of Use: Thank you for downloading my product. I sincerely hope, you found this activity useful and students would enjoy doing it. All rights reserved. Having purchased or free downloading this product, you are granted to make copies of it for:
• Your own personal use and
• single classroom only
You can’t upload this product on any website or blog or modify any part of it or share with others or claim it as your own, it is strictly prohibited and against the law of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Hope you enjoy this! Thank you!
You are welcome to ask any questions or queries related to this product via the following:
Email: lubnarauf60@gmail.com